Friday, 12 February 2021

clinging to teddies!!

 The last year has not been like any we have experienced in our life! the changes the world witnessed may have been some hat the world needed, to take time to pause, be home with family and generally slow down.

Work from home, home schooling, online classes were the new normal. Though as a family we have come together in more ways we can imagine, but the fact remains we are social animals and we seek our own. 

This cannot be more highlighted than the need of my younger one to seek out and search for his old teddies to play, talk and hang out with. Being in the vicinity of the first cases of the virus, ours were the first few homes that went into isolation and as we near the one year mark of our being home, the need to move out with an equal unease to get back out there are both equivalent.

This time gave us an opportunity to move back home to be with with my ailing mother-in-law and be with her. The change of not going out and moving out of their homes altogether has impacted not only us but the boys also a great deal. 

So, at first the idea of my younger one bringing his old teddies as his friends to the dining table and taking them to his play tent may have seemed cute and fun. But now his constant need to check up on them and his general attachment to them has us worried. 

Covid may have moved out, but certain peculiarities in behavior seem to be staying back. Behavioral changes are not something peers take kindly to at that age. With the news of schools to be re-opening soon, the anxiety of going back out and sending the kids on their own too will be another bridge that remains to be crossed!

Hope you are doing your bit to get back to the old-new world! Here's wishing you luck and hoping the transitions back is smooth and struggle free.

#backtoschool #COVID19 #momlife #unofficialsarcasticmommy #momsandkids #school #schoollife #feelitreelit #momlife #indianmomblogger #indianmoms #indianmomsbelike
#indiankids #momandsongoals #momandsonmoments

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  1. Yes things have changed so much over the past year. Trying to focus on all of the good that has happened.

  2. Exactly. Who would have thought this would ever happen to the world. Praying everything is going back to normal.

  3. I could never have imagined any of this happening!

  4. Our daughter's lacking in social skills as she's an only child and at 4, her only access to other kids was parks and playgrounds, which we can no longer go to. We did get her enrolled in preschool this fall, so hopefully the vaccine will get to everyone by then!

    1. all the best to you... and lots of love and positive vibes going out to your lil princess... children are born with many gifts!!

  5. Everything has change because of this pandemic. I am hoping that this will end soon so that kids will be able to go outside and play again with other kids. Keep safe everyone!

  6. Oh, how good that he HAS these old friends to turn back to, though! When my daughters would start doing "anxious" things like this, I would try to get them to talk about their fears and concerns, and reassure them that everything was going to work out OK. For what it's worth, you can tell him that my girls have both been blessed to be able to be with their friends at in-person school this year, and that he will have fun being back with his friends too, even with social distancing. Good luck, Mama!

    1. thank you my dear... hoping to be on the right side of things soon!!!

  7. This has definitely been a different and tough year. I am hoping that things start to turn around soon.

  8. yes fingers crossed things will turn around soon.. stay safe!


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