Sunday, 7 February 2021

learning and teaching....

Over the course of the last year there is a lot I have learnt, few things I have wanted to for long but never really got around to. While other things I never wanted to but had no option or say in the matter.

lets start with he few things I have always thought in my head I can better:

  • Baking: I get by in cooking but back of my mind was a block that I'm not good coz my cakes came out like blocks of rock and cookies like balls of dough. the lock down gave me all the time in the world, now even my all atta, no sugar (with substitutes), no oil cakes come out moist.

The icing was however the few icing cakes I did bake and maybe it was the unavailability of options but they tasted decent. 

  • Art/ drawing/ doodling: as a child I used to love my pencils and coloring stationary and could spend hours with a few sheets and some colors. With growing up somewhere after loosing my mother in pre-teens, I dropped the hobby. With the lockdown the running from one sports/ boys activities to other stopped. They too had never discovered the joy of creating. 

The lockdown gave us many online classes for art and in trying to make them sit and do something other than glaring at the screens all summer, I let them glare for learning something.

The Joy of just my colors and plain sheets to be filled with my imagination has come back.

The flip side was the online school, I am all drawn out for diagrams, maps and illustrations!!

So while I did get to enjoy things that gave me joy, I have no say home schooling and learning has taught me a kind of patience I did not know I had or want. I wait anxiously for the day the schools will re-open so I can send the boys and enjoy the pleasure of missing them once they are not around for few hours.

What has brought you joy in the last year that was missing earlier and what made you miss your life of constant running around that you can't wait to re-start??

 I miss the outings, the coffee with friends, the traveling, the get togethers and the feeling of meeting family, friends. The ice-cream, desert dates with my boys, most of all movie outings with the little monkeys squealing with excitement. 

Wait.... I have had enough of them for some time, well I guess not!!! Mom for life!!!

#unofficialsarcasticmommy #momlife #livingmybestlife #newnormal #mom

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